Our High Schoolers (grades 9-12) come from all over the world. Our teachers are equipped to help each student integrate and thrive. For some students, this is their first time in a traditional classroom, taking classes in English, or having access to classes like AP Physics where they can learn how to calculate the trajectory of a water balloon launch. For many, this is the first time they are surrounded by peers who are the same kind of “different.”
Being located in the heart of Europe means that we can take advantage of having close access to world-class locations as part of our curriculum, discovering and experiencing history on our doorstep in places like Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, and the UK.
We offer a college-preparatory diploma and our students have the opportunity to attend universities all across North America, Europe, and Asia. Our curriculum offers a wide variety of both core subjects and elective courses. Many of our students take advantage of Advanced Placement (AP) courses that help them earn college credits and are an important component of applying to European or other universities outside North America.
Our Guidance Department provides ongoing support for students in selecting what classes to take, applying for university, and facilitating AP/SAT/ACT/PSAT exams.
We are accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association (MSA).